How to Move the Pieces
Learn how to assemble the pieces on your board. So that you can get ready to beat your opponent.
- Beginner

Playing the Game
Learn the rules of playing the games. As learning rules ensures that you don’t get disqualified.
- Beginner
Beginner (Fundamentals)

Opening Principles
First move can decide the rest of your game. Learn the opening moves that make your game stronger.
- Beginner

Winning the Game
It isn’t easy as it sounds. Learn all the tips and tricks to checkmate your opponent’s king.
- Beginner

Capturing Pieces
Capturing maximum number of pieces ensures your win. learn how to maximize your chances of winning
- Beginner

Finding Checkmate
Observe your opponent’s moves and know when to attack which piece.
- Beginner

Intro to Book Openings
Learn how to open your game with most popular and interesting openings.
- Beginner
Intermediate (Key Concepts)

Make the Most of Your Pieces
Understand everything about your chess pieces and use it to gain advantage for your game
- Intermediate

Understanding Endgames
Learn to be victorious even with less number of chess pieces. Play technical endgames ad win your games.
- Intermediate

Winning with Tactics
Learn tricks and tactics to surprise your opponent with your hidden strategy.
- Intermediate

Forcing Moves
Learn to visualise the whole game just with your one move. Come out of messy situations and turn the game in your favour
- Intermediate

Reading the Board
Learn to make the best out of the given situations on the board.
- Intermediate
Advanced (Taking Control)

Key Openings
Earn the famous openings for your game so that you don’t feel lost after initial moves.
- Advanced

Choosing the Best Move
Learn how to strategize your game plan and choose the best move.
- Advanced

Activating Your Pieces
Knowing the strength and weakness of your pieces use them to your advantage .
- Advanced

Advanced Endgames
Learning the techniques for a perfect endgame ensures your victory.
- Advanced

Attacking the King
Learn to attack your opponent’s king against all the defensive strategies
- Advanced

Advanced Tactics
Learn all the techniques that grandmasters use in their games.
- Advanced

Endgame Patterns
Learn how to identify the endgame patterns on your king and how to save it.
- Advanced
chess is a difficult game to play but the easy by which Kiya learning explains it is unbelievable. They make the game so easy.
Kiya learning is a good place where you can learn to play chess just like i did
playing chess is becoming a trend in the world. I wanted to be the part of trend and Kiya learning have helped me so much to improve my game.
my child was always fascinated with playing chess. Kiya learning has provided a platform to my kid for learning and evolving as a chess player
chess is a difficult game to play but the easy by which Kiya learning explains it is unbelievable. They make the game so easy.
Kiya learning is a good place where you can learn to play chess just like i did
playing chess is becoming a trend in the world. I wanted to be the part of trend and Kiya learning have helped me so much to improve my game.
my child was always fascinated with playing chess. Kiya learning has provided a platform to my kid for learning and evolving as a chess player
chess is a difficult game to play but the easy by which Kiya learning explains it is unbelievable. They make the game so easy.
Kiya learning is a good place where you can learn to play chess just like i did
playing chess is becoming a trend in the world. I wanted to be the part of trend and Kiya learning have helped me so much to improve my game.